The investigation process comprises of several phases, which include preparation and planning, information gathering and problem identification, verification and validation,analysis and evaluation of the gathered information, and the reporting and conclusion. This can be broken down into two main categories, the investigatory and adjudicator stages.
1.) Investigatory Stage
a.) Search and Seizure
b.) Interrogation
c.) Identification Procedures
d.) Arrest
2. Adjudicatory Stage
a.) Issuance of a complaint, summons, arrest warrant, or indictment
b.) Probable Cause
c.) First Appearance
d.) Preliminary Hearings and Grand Jury Proceedings
e.) Arraignment
f.) Pretrial Motions
g.) Plea Agreements and Trials
h.) Sentencing and Post-Trial Proceedings
1.) Sentencing
2.) Appeal
3.) Collateral Attack of a Conviction: Habeas Corpus