CATHOLIC CHARITIES USA: Local Catholic Charities agencies help families and individuals who are homeless or in danger of becoming homeless or who struggle with racism and poverty. Being Catholic is not a requirement for receiving assistance. Phone: (703) 549-1390
GOODWILL INDUSTRIES: Goodwill Industries is one of the world's largest nonprofit providers of job training and employment services for people who have a history of welfare dependency, illiteracy, criminal history, and homelessness. Phone: (800) 466-9455
SALVATION ARMY: The Salvation Army works in cooperation with prison, probation, and parole offices in prison rehabilitation and crime prevention. Services include job-training, employment opportunities, material aid, and spiritual guidance. Salvation Army rehabilitation centers and Harbor Light centers have been designated as halfway houses for ex-prisoners to participate in work-release programs. Phone: (703) 684-5500
SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (SSA): The SSA can help ex-prisoners who need a replacement Social Security card or a Social Security number. Some ex-prisoners may be eligible for retirement benefits or disability assistance, depending on their age and health. Phone: (800) 772-1213
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION (ETA): The ETA offers programs, resources, and online tools to help workers in all stages of job and career development, including job training programs and job placement services for economically disadvantaged adults. Locally, these programs are offered through workforce centers (also known as One-Stop centers or Job Service centers). Phone: (877) 872-5627
UNITED WAY: United Way's focus is on improving life for people in three areas: financial stability, education, and health. To promote financial stability, United Way supports programs that help families meet their basic needs, while also gaining the skills to obtain long-term financial goals such as manageable expenses, affordable housing, and adequate income to support their family. Phone: (703) 836-7112 or simply dial 211
YMCA: The Y offers services that help people be self-reliant, productive, and connected to the community. Local Ys address the unique needs of their communities and provide services focused on critical areas such as child welfare, community health, job training, environmental education, and family needs. Phone: (800) 872-9622
YWCA: Local YWCAs provide services to meet the needs of women in their communities. Depending on local programs, these may include: child care, rape crisis intervention, domestic violence assistance, shelters for domestic violence victims and their families, job training, and career counseling. Phone: (202) 467-0801