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Prisoner Services

Writer's picture: Khalajah ParsonsKhalajah Parsons

Updated: Apr 23, 2022

Dear Unforgotten Citizen:

We at POV, wanted to reach out to you and let you know that you are not forgotten. You matter and are important. We would like to inform you of our many different services, which we believe you'll enjoy.

As part of our POV community, we not only fight for transparency, but we too want to be as transparent as possible. We are currently privileged to have some volunteer workers who help with the growing tasks. Our management and volunteers do this without any compensation, because we believe in you. We all do this while juggling other jobs, families, and other responsibilities.

We are hopeful that by offering some of our paid services that are price competitive, things will look very different in the upcoming months. This income will be used to expand our services, but most importantly to expand our free services to people like you, who are incarcerated. When you correspond with us through the United States Postal Service, please send all letters to the Mailing address in Texas and not to Headquarters.


Currently we are offering the following Payment Methods:

BP-199 by mailing to:

Power of Our Voice

2510 Royal Acres Drive

Denton, TX. 76209



go to info@powerofourvoice and make a payment, please include prisoner name (First & Last) and Prisoner Number.



send funds to $xmith1959 (This is temporarily while a new one is created for the business), Please include prisoner First & Last name and prison number.



Online Payments & Payments over the phone.


We currently offer the following services to those incarcerated:

PRISONERS' CORNER: You can write your article, letter, or poem and send it to and we will publish it on our website for everyone to see. You can write anonymously, with a nick name, initials, part of your name, or your whole name. Whatever you choose is your choice. Include it at the end of your submission the way you want it posted.

COST: Free


NEWSLETTER: We offer a regular newsletter through corrlinks. Add us, if you have not done so already at to subscribe. Here we provide information that is important to you being successful upon release. We understand that getting certain information on topics such as: Re-Entry Resources in your area of release, building and fixing your credit from behind the walls, social security payments, drivers licenses, CDL licenses, and much more. This is why we are different than other newsletters and subscriptions on corrlinks. We aim to help you in areas where there is a much higher success rate without all of the emotional roller coaster of feelings that comes with dealing with the Justice System. We are always interested in hearing from you and any suggestions for improvements or things you would like to see added.

COST: Free


PICTURE SERVICE: We respect your privacy as much as is allowed under your current conditions. We know that sometimes getting pictures of Celebrities (No-Nude) is a way to help alleviate some of the stress. We will search for the celebrities you would like to have pictures of that follows Federal Bureau of Prisons policy and ship them to you under these current rates as well. This also applies to having pictures of your social media accounts shipped if we are your service provider.

We at Power of Our Voice, LLC ("POV") proudly presents a new service to the prison population. We are offering a picture service with the opportunity to earn free pictures, and other rewards at a fair and competitive price. We continuously look for ways to make your time easier without price gouging and taking advantage of your incarceration. We understand that you are incarcerated as punishment and not for punishment. Thank you for your services, and being a part of our team.

S&H -- Ordinarily we will ship your pictures at every set of 20 pictures under the current plans, discussed more in depth below. If you are under plans 3-5 we will ship once you reached 5 pictures, without any additional cost to you. If you choose not to have your pictures shipped early, and only at every set of 20, then at the end of the month we will reward you with a credit of 20 pictures that can be redeemed the following month. If you are on plan 1, the pictures will be sent to you per your request, but there are no bonus credits under this plan. If you are on plan 2, the pictures will be sent to you upon request but if you choose not to have your pictures shipped early, and only at every set of 20, and the remainder that is less than 40 (21-39) then at the end of the month we will reward you with a credit of 10 pictures that can be redeemed the following month. However, we will not ship less than 5 pictures except at the end of the month so your next service period can begin fresh.

Plans/Packages --

Plan #1: 0-19 pictures per month for $0.65 each.

* Delivered upon request.

* No Bonuses.

Plan #2: 20-39 pictures per month for $0.60 each.

* Delivered upon request or per set of 20 pictures.

* No additional cost for shipments of 5 or more.

* Incentive credit for shipping every 20 pictures.

Plan #3: 40-59 pictures per month for $0.50 each.

* Delivered upon request (5 or more) or per sets of 20.

* No additional cost for shipments of 5 or more.

* Incentive credit for shipping every 20 pictures.

* Name entered into drawing for every 40 pictures purchased per quarter.

Plan #4: 60-99 pictures per month for $0.45 each

* Delivered upon request (5 or more) or per sets of 20.

* No additional cost for shipments of 5 or more.

* Incentive credit for shipping every 20 pictures.

* Name entered into drawing for every 40 pictures purchased per quarter.

* 1 month free service of basic research.

Plan #5: 100 + pictures per month for $0.40 each

* Delivered upon request (5 or more) or per sets of 20.

* No additional cost for shipments of 5 or more.

* Incentive credit for shipping every 20 pictures.

* Name entered into drawing for every 25 pictures purchased per quarter.

* 1 month free service of basic research.

You can have your pictures sent to (248) 278-7755 or emailed to

COST: Varying Plans, See Above for Details


RESEARCH SERVICES: We currently offer only basic research services, but are hopeful to expand in the near future. this service is currently offered through corrlinks. Add us at to subscribe if you have not already. Once your payment has been received you send us what you would like us to enter into the Google search bar, and we will copy and paste it back to you within 72 hours.

Our Google Search Service ("GSS") is constantly improving and learning. We are customizing daily based on what our subscribers search for along with exactly how they use the service. The Google Search Service ("GSS") for prisoners is $6.95 per month for unlimited searches. Once we send you the results if you choose you can direct us to continue from there, or start a new search. We will not provide personal information on individuals such as addresses and phone numbers. We will provide information on businesses, however. We do not offer any services on credit.

This service can also be very very useful when looking for attorneys and other resources. This is a feature that can greatly assist those incarcerated in bettering themselves all the while helping others who are in need.

COST: $6.95 per month (Basic Search)


FIXING YOUR CREDIT: We are currently offering to individuals incarcerated over seven (7) years or individuals with no credit history, a perfect credit history. We will help you get a trade line to instantly boost your credit score so you can get a credit card in your name. If you have someone you trust, we will send the credit card that we get on your behalf to that address. This way your credit score will continue to build while you are incarcerated, and once you are released you will have a credit card in your name. It is your responsibility to use it wisely and legally. We are not responsible for any actions taken on behalf of your decisions. For more information on the importance of good credit, send a request to This service is guaranteed or your money back.

We will teach you how under the research package if you want to do the work yourself.

COST: Varying Packages, Starting at $499.00 * We will teach you how to do it for the cost of the research plan.


PURCHASE SERVICES: Do you want to send a gift to someone? Or maybe buy magazines or books for yourself? We will search for what you want and make the purchase(s) for you and deduct the money from your account that you have with us. We will add a 10% service fee for each transaction/purchase. This includes buying cards, flowers, candies, books, magazines, and much more.

COST: $ (Purchases + 10%, + S&H)

Note: There is no additional tax on the shipping and handling. So if your purchase is $50 plus 5.95 S&H, then its $50.00 + 10% ($5.00), + S&H for a total of $60.95


SOCIAL MEDIA: We're currently offering social media management services. We will create, manage, or create and manage your Facebook and Instagram accounts. We require you to have your social media accounts connected to a Gmail account. If you do not have one than we will create one for you. This is so we can easily connect and manage all of your services in the most efficient way. The Social Media Service ("SMS") is $9.95 per month for the first service and an additional $4.95 for the second service, should you choose to get both ($14.90 for both).

We will send you a paper copy of your friends list for $0.25 cents per page for black and white or $0.50 cents per page in color. Likewise, we will send you a paper copy of your social media pages at the same cost. If you choose to have screen shots made and sent to you through our picture services than the prices of our picture services will be the cost. This way you will be able to earn free pictures and other rewards as well.

It is your responsibility to ensure this service does not violate your institutional rules.

COST: $9.95 for one SMS or $14.90 for both FB and IG.


We thank you for your time and considerations in this matter, and we appreciate your service. We also thank you in advance for your patience as we grow and build into an organization that will continue to offer you the best services at the most competitive prices. We welcome you into our POV family and look forward from hearing from you. Please feel free to share this newsletter to others, and we try to keep costs low and free when possible. Any donations will help us to help others in need.

Respectfully yours,

Power of Our Voice Team,

Chris Smith, Manager

Mika'eel, Partner

Hamzah, Partner

Khalajah, Partner

All volunteers +

L. Clay

T. Halling

T. Smith

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We are not lawyers and do not provide legal advice. If you require legal assistance or advice, we strongly recommend consulting with a qualified attorney. While we can assist in researching legal professionals or verifying individuals who claim to be lawyers, we cannot offer legal counsel or representation.

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